Badge to the left, badge to the right
Lookin' upstairs, lookin' behind, yeah!
Right, this page is still under heavy development, but I decided to put it up here anyway, just for you.
Ain't I nice? (send me money now!!) Anyhow, 'tis a page full of scouting-badge-thingies (and some more
random stuff). You know, those kind of thingies you can put on a scouting-uniform. Everything that
is currently on here isn't on my scouting-uniform, since my uniform is in Oosterwolde, and my scanner is
in Zeist. So it is stuff that used to be on my uniform, but is not on there now for several reasons
(eg. there are newer versions, they are ugly, or I would be caught dead with them on there). Also some stuff
that was never on it (swapped stuff). Anyway, blah blah. I will try to scan the stuff on my uniform some
time, and then I will actually explain what everything is. For now, sometimes the ALT-text of the images
might explain stuff. Or it might not. Yadayada.
(oh, about the title? I just like the song, alright? got a problem with that?)